Marshfield Community Centre Conditions of Hire
(Updated May 2023).
General Hire, Charges and Deposit
Functions /meetings must finish by MIDNIGHT and the centre left locked and secured.
The side garden (toddler garden) is not to be used after 10pm due to noise complaints from neighbours.
Please be aware we are in a residential area and excessive noise particularly at night when guests leave could result in The Marshfield Community Centre having new regulations imposed on it.
The stewards nominated in the Hire Agreement must be present during the function/booking and are responsible for health and safety (at least 2 for any event; and 4 for large evening events or when alcohol is available).
The Hire charge is to be paid at the time of booking plus either a compliance deposit of £20.00 (small events with no alcohol) or an event deposit of £100 (Events open to the public, over 50 people or with alcohol being consumed on the premises) . Payment by BACs transfer must be cleared before the event in accordance with the invoice details. Cash payments are not accepted. The deposit will also be invoiced to be paid along with the booking fees. The full deposit will be refunded to your account within 14 days after the event. In the rare event of needing to hold back part of or all of the deposit, you will be written to with a full explanation and a fully itemised bill. Any deposit disputes MUST be dealt with in writing to the Marshfield Community Centre Association as a charitable body NOT by telephone or in person with any individual representing the charity.
Please be assured that in the past 10 years we have only ever had to withhold part payments of the deposit twice.
The deposit covers any breakages, cleaning costs or loss of hire costs (due to having to cancel or delay bookings) that are incurred due to in adherence to the booking conditions and cleaning checklist.
Additional reasons that a deposit may be withheld.
1. Smoking in the preschool or toddler gardens ( full deposit lost).
2. Using the Pre-School front garden (full deposit lost).
3. Official complaint via South Glos Council for excessive noise (full deposit lost).
4. Use of the toddler side garden after 10pm (full deposit lost).
5. All rubbish must be removed. We do not have recycling facilities or bins.Rubbish left on the property (full deposit lost).
Booking cancellation policy:
One month’s notice or more a full refund is given.
48 hours or more 50% refund is granted.
Less than 48 hours no refund is given.
The bookings email is bookings@marshfieldcommunitycentre.co.uk
Please note that regular bookings that are regularly cancelled (more than 20% of the original booking) will become ad hoc bookings and lose the right to prioritise their desired slot if another booking is taken.
Before leaving, floors must be vacuumed, swept or washed, bins must be emptied and recycling must be separated, toilets must be left in a hygienic condition, crockery and glasses washed and put away. See the attached checklist for full details – Checklist must be completed to secure your deposit refund.
Any damage to the centre should be reported to or Oliver Brason 07776032770 bookings@marshfieldcommunitycentre.co.uk immediately. Please report any damage found or that may occur while you are using the centre so we can keep it in good condition.
SPECIAL NOTE ON RUBBISH. All rubbish has to be removed; we do not have any waste management agreement.
We have a “No Stiletto” Policy in the main hall to protect the main floor. Any evening events must make sure his dress code is shared with all guests. Large marquee events must make allowance for the cost of hiring carpet from their marquee provider. A penalty will occur if you do not abide by this.
The heating in the Centre is set to come on 30 minutes before each event starts. It will not be on for any setting up time before this. If you would like it on during setting up time please contact the Bookings Secretary to discuss.
Please ask if you wish to have a bar at your event as we will require an extra charge of £100.
Regulations and Licences
The maximum numbers permitted are 90 in the Small hall and 240 in the Main hall to meet fire regulations.
If you wish to sell alcohol or include alcohol in the ticket price of your function you will need to apply for a Temporary Event Notification (TEN) from South Glos council. Application for a TEN is the responsibility of the user. The contact no for South Glos is 01454 868686.
If you either wish to provide alcohol, sell it or include it in the price of a ticket, you must provide the Booking Secretary with the name(s) of the person(s) who will be responsible for the bar (see hire agreement). He/she/they must be made aware of their responsibilities (e.g. not serving minors, preventing drunkenness etc) and determine if you need to apply for a TENS licence.
Application for a TEN should only be made after consultation with the Booking Secretary as there is a legal limit to the number of TENs issued by the local authority for functions at the Community Centre each year.
A copy of the MCCA Premises licence can be found on the notice board in the foyer. Currently, this covers plays, films, indoor sporting events, live music, recorded music, performance of dance, provision of facilities for dancing and making music but not the sale of alcohol.
The Community Centre does not hold any licences relating to the use of copyrighted live or recorded music. It is the responsibility of the hirer to obtain the appropriate licences from the Performing Rights Society (for live music) or Phonographic Performance Ltd ( for recorded music).
It is a reminder that it is your responsibility to ensure there are no gatecrashers.
Health and Safety
If the event involves preparing, serving or selling food all relevant health and hygiene legislation and regulations must be observed.
You MUST remove all food products from the kitchen after use.
Further requirements of the use of the kitchen equipment must be discussed prior to use and this must be agreed before any use of the kitchen.
Halls and center
Marshfield Community Centre does NOT have a public telephone. The Hirer MUST ensure that a working mobile phone is available to call the emergency services if needed. The nearest public telephone is in the High Street, adjacent to Central Stores.
Any accidents occurring on the premises must be reported to the Health & Safety Committee member ( Oliver Brason 07776032770) and recorded in the accident book by the sink in the foyer. Note in here what items you have used from the first aid box or replace them. A charge can be made for the used items. Certain types of accident must also be reported to the local authority so as to comply with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR). The Health & Safety Committee member will assist in making this report. The first aid box is in the kitchen and foyer. All hirers should be aware of any safety risks that may occur during their booking and use preventative measures where appropriate.
The Marshfield Community Centre is a "NO SMOKING" building. It is ILLEGAL to smoke on the premises. The emergency exits into the private preschool garden at the back of the large events hall must not be opened and smoking is strictly prohibited here. We will withhold the whole deposit amount for any booking found to have done so.
The front garden of Marshfield Pre-school is prohibited to Marshfield Community Centre users. We will withhold the whole deposit for any booking found doing so.
All mains-powered electrical equipment, including extension leads, brought onto the premises must have been inspected, tested and passed as safe by a competent person. If the test is not a full PAT test, the equipment MUST ONLY be connected to a Centre mains outlet via an RCD safety device (the Centre has a limited number of these devices available to hirers). Precautions must be taken to avoid accidents caused by trailing cables.
Learning to live with the Covid Virus
We are aware of the planned move to lifting the remaining Covid restrictions in England from the 19th July 2021. As we are a community centre for the general public use, we will ask that hirers take into consideration the amount of people they are allowed to attend their function. To manage ventilation where possible and if needed to open up doors to allow for ventilation. Please consider the use of face masks, especially in corridors or confined spaces.
We will provide the continued use of Track and Trace, and offer hand sanitizing stations throughout the centre which we actively want people to use if desired.
Government guidance will set out how people can manage the risks to themselves and to others:
1. Meeting in well-ventilated areas where possible, such as outdoors or indoors with windows open.
2. Wearing a face covering where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet in enclosed and crowded spaces.
3. Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day.
4. Covering your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze.
5. Staying at home if unwell, to reduce the risk of passing on other illnesses onto friends, family, colleagues, and others in your community.
6. Considering individual risks, such as clinical vulnerabilities and vaccination status.
We would ask that you help manage the risk within your hired event in the hall.
In the event of a fire
Try to be aware of how many people you will need to account for in the event of a fire as the fire brigade will ask if anyone is left inside the building.
The stewards should supervise the evacuation of the Centre by the fire exits - these are clearly signed. On evacuating the building those present should assemble on the grassed area in front of the Centre.
The Fire Brigade should be informed.
The fire extinguishers provided should only be used if:- (1) this would not endanger those attempting to extinguish the fire, e.g. cause a significant delay in their leaving the building (2) the extinguisher(s) are suitable for use on the type of fire
The Health and Safety Committee Member (Oliver Brason 07776032770) must be informed of the details of the incident. Please ensure the noise level is reasonable and not likely to disturb neighbours. Where possible keep the doors closed to reduce noise levels.
Indemnity & Insurance
The Centre is insured against any claims arising out of its own negligence.
Where appropriate the Hirer should be insured against claims resulting from the Hirer’s negligence. The Hirer is reminded that Hirers are expected to make good any damage sustained and to pay for cleaning the Centre should it not be left clean.
Named Steward ………………………………..
Named Steward ………………………………….
Signed ………………………………………………